понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

acid etch concrete stain

Iapos;m so annoyed right now and I know that I keep writing about how all I need is to really get out of this damn town, but itapos;s totally true.�

My sister just got a new phone?
HEEELLLOOOOOO my other sister and I need a NEW�PHONE�TOO�she gets whatever the fuck she wants and it pisses me off so fucking much. �I hate my house. Tomorrow when my dad gets home from work I am applying to college. Ones in California. Iapos;ve decided to stick with my original plan which was to go to school in Cali. I was thinking about Baltimore. I might apply to one college there, but I think that Cali. Is where I really want to be.�

someone help me?

article life management, acid etch concrete stain, acid etch marking part, acid etch metal.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

florida office unemployment

Soooo the weekend of November 7th-9th Iapos;m heading to NYC to visit friends and see Spring Awakening. Is it super lame to see the play by myself? Haha. If any of you people are in/near the NYC area that weekend, you should totes join me. Or hang out with me. Or something.

Iapos;m super excited to go to NYC though, I havenapos;t been in a few years, and Iapos;ll get to see my cousin Sunnee who I havenapos;t seen since I was like 13, effing CRAZY.

bardwell lake, florida office unemployment, florida office welfare, florida officer police, florida officer probation.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


So today was worth the trouble, sure my parents got a little upset but in the end, worth it. First stop for mayapos;s dinner party movie thing was rainforest cafe (: their burgers are pretty good, i canapos;t remember the last time i went there. We saw ms. Rubin there o__o awkward..too bad it got a little late and we ended up not going to see Quarantine, thereapos;s always next time.

all in all, great night, iapos;m HOPEFULLY going to get some pictures later, not sure, but whatever, i shall soon find them floating around the internet.

Vrandom stereotypical donut

i canapos;t wait until week (:



beef jerky producers, barduhn, bardunias, bardwell, bardwell fc.

age of love

One and a half more years and im out of this dump. So today was my dads last day of work.� Itapos;ll be interesting how him being hone 24/7 turns out. Everything else is alright i geuss. Lots of homeowrk all of the time. Jonapos;s coming home "soon", translation: "give me a million more months" but he likes it there so i geuss thats what matters. There seesm to be sooo many tests in school. It drives me crazy. I dont htink iapos;ll be doing much of anythign this weekend. Cheers to boring nights ;]
age of love, age of love age of love, age of love lyrics, age of love midi.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

adam carroll driver

Itapos;s come to my attention that either I have changed a lot in the last 3 years or other people that used to be close to me have changed a lot.

I would of said when I was 18 that I would be very much the same person when I was 25. This is definitely not the case. I would also say now that being 25 I will be pretty much the same person at 30. I guess only time will tell that.

Looking back on decisions Iapos;ve made over the last 3 years I am pretty happy. I think Iapos;ve come into more of who I am and not molded myself to the way other people are or accept something I am unhappy with. Although some of these decisions were hard I think everything ended up well and I am overall much happier.

congratulation letter samples, adam carroll driver, adam carroll f1, adam carroll f3.

el food salvador

I think im one of these people that like to grown when i wake up...i stretch, scratch my belly,.... Burp.... I dunno why.... It makes me feel better about waking up to another day of bla... So max and marcia said i cant be trusted with money... Cause i spend it all on booze... But i dont.... Marcia said i would rather drink than eat.... And she says i have a problem.... Ugh... I finneshed making my resume... Im quite happy with it... It still needs to be formated... But its pretty much done.
el food salvador, el food recipe salvador, el food pupusas salvadorian, el food pupusas recipe salvador.